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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More from Myrna's Soapbox

Some children are confused about the Latter-day Saint church because they get conflicting information. They hear little about the church that is really true. They do not attend meetings, except rarely, where they have an opportunity to hear what we really do believe. Some folks send their boys to Scouts thinking that they are receiving some religious training. At Scouts, they talk about scouting. There is some talk of religion and some teaching but not as much as is taught in Sunday meetings. Weekday meetings of Young Women have some teachings but they also have a lot of activities. Sunday meetings are the only ones where they really talk about beliefs. One of these precious children said that at Sunday School with the youth, they have no idea what they are talking about. Why would they? They hear different ideas from different people. Until the teen years, no one is  mature enough to study on their own and really learn doctrine. Even then it is nice to have a Seminary teacher to help explain ideas. 

We don't spend hours of time studying while we are with any children outside of church. When we are at home, no matter who is with us, we do read our scriptures, say evening family prayers and bless the food. 

All of us learn precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. It takes a lifetime of devotion and learning to become an enduring follower of Christ.

One child I was with recently asked about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The only one of us who knew about it, really, was Leonard because he taught about it in Utah History.

Jim told me that, if a person REALLY wanted to know about a topic that occurred in the past, they should read about it on their own. He said you should, in his opinion, go to the source nearest the actual happening. Historians can be biased but the people who lived the event can best understand it. One  of our ancestors opposed the killings. He tried to get help to prevent them. He testified against the perpetrators. Those writings are available.

Heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning. I just love children and would like to know how to help. I just hope they all know that. I hope.

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