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Monday, January 21, 2013

Atheism and Evolution‏

Dear All,
    I read an article the other day in which some of the tenets of those who profess to be atheists, are figuratively asking me to believe that there is no God, and no creation, and there is no Savior; but that I should believe that something came from nothing, that natural order came from chaos, that consciousness came from nonsense (or something).  And I am supposed to believe that complex DNA molecules and Protein (enzyme) molecules came into existence somehow by chance.  The fact is, as discovered by science, that DNA requires the action of enzymes to form, and that enzymes require DNA to form.  It has also been proposed by evolutionists that UV radiation provided the energy for these chemical reactions to come about; however, it has also been discovered (scientifically) that UV radiation is destructive to protein such as cell walls.
     Atheists claim that religionists, especially Christians, who have faith in God and Jesus Christ, have no valid evidence of their existence.  To me the very existence of this beautiful earth, and the whole universe, and our solar system, and the order demonstrated therein, denote a Creator and God.  The very existence of human beings, mortal men and women, who are literally children of a loving Heavenly Father, and who wants us to return to live with Him again after this mortal life is completed, also provides evidence of our Heavenly Father.
     It was because of the missionaries teaching me the Plan of Salvation of our Heavenly Father, and the idea of Eternal Families, that I came to understand what Mormonism was all about.  I learned that this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only Church that understands these things, and that only through Priesthood authority from God, and bestowed on a Prophet, we could become worthy to return to live with our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  And it was only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and His taking upon himself the sins of all mankind who ever have or ever will live on this earth, that we can receive the blessings He has promised His children--and that is us. We are all literally His spirit children, and He has provided the way that we can find the way back to Heavenly Father.
     I wish I could explain fully just how much I love this Gospel of Jesus Christ as it was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the restoration of this Gospel.  It has brought to me more joy and happiness in my life since I have come to realize that if I can endure in righteousness to the end of my life, I can be with my wonderful wife and children in and for eternity.  There is an eternal existence, and we can enjoy the blessings of that life if we are willing to obey all of God's commandments, and strive to live the best that we can throughout this mortal existence.  God revealed that this life is a test designed to see if we will be obedient, and to obtain a physical body.  If we do these two things, we will literally graduate from mortality to a far more happy and joyful existence.  I came to understand that what the Savior told Nicodemus (in Matthew) was necessary; when He told him that "except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God," so I realized I had to be baptized and confirmed by someone who had the Priesthood authority--so in July 1954, I was baptized, and have enjoyed the blessings of the Gospel ever since.  Come join me.
     I would like to explain one more item which is thoroughly misunderstood and mistaken; it is that Adam and Eve should not be looked down upon for their transgression in the Garden of Eden.  If you remember, the Lord did forbid them to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of  good and evil.  But He also described their punishment if they did; He told them they would "surely die" if they partook, or in other words death would come into the world.
    However, if they did not partake, mortality and the opportunity to have children would not have come to pass.   In other words, they had to partake in order for them to "multiply and replenish the Earth."  But then an angel of the Lord informed them that a Savior would be provided to perform the Atonement for their transgression.  This is a major part of the Plan of Salvation of our Father in Heaven.
     My testimony is that these things are true, and that Joseph Smith, as a fourteen year old boy had a vision and saw the Father and the Son, and was told that he would be an instrument in the hands of God to restore the Lord's Gospel to the earth.  Also, we have a Prophet on the earth right now, and his name is Thomas S. Monsen, and he really speaks for God today, just as Moses and Abraham and Isaiah, and others did centuries ago.

With love, Dad and Russ Bender

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