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Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Conference Gone

I cannot believe that another General Conference has come and gone! Three down, one more to go. This one was over wayyy too fast, but that might be because I was running around doing visits, taking care of the chapel, renting electrical generators, buying gasoline and trying to find my runaway investigators. So many things in just three days.

This week my companion and I went around visiting a TON of my 79 recent converts we have to tend to this month. We were also trying to baptize this family that we had found and were teaching. They crashed and burned. Kinda sad. But, we found some other cool families and started to teach them. One is a very young family: member girl, 18 years old, has a two-month-old baby and her "man" is 19. Oops. They're pretty cool kids though. We'll get them out of their sins!

Despite all the work we did this week, almost NOBODY came. I had three investigators and twelve recent converts! Twelve! Out of 79! I was absolutely shocked. Well, I couldn't do anything because they were all out looking for lost treasure (metaphorically speaking). But, this random distress lead me to do as a conference talk advised us to do, "Look Up". I did just that. And as a result I was directed to talk to my companion about just dropping everything. Yes. We are starting over in my area...not much else we can do but go up. We already found some really cool investigators Sunday night! I was so grateful for the miracle, as I was just hoping and praying that I could be helped to make such a tough decision. I was teaching nine families. I now have two. The scary thing is that I might get placed in another area this change, and I do not want to leave my area without investigators or baptisms when I switch out.

I thoroughly enjoyed the talks that I was blessed to hear. Unfortunately I spent quite a large sum of time trying to make sure the members and missionaries could hear all the conference talks that I myself was unable to listen to quite a few. I will be able to read them in about a month or so. I did enjoy Sister Dalton's talk, and it was actually quite funny because I always say how much I want to raise girls, so all the Elders just laughed when she started talking and made comments about how this was only for me. I giggled but was really pleased inside. I love the idea of raising fantastically amazing daughters by simply loving and leading an exemplary life. I loved her advice, and I am going to try and start now to apply those things to my life. Elder Hales' talk also struck a familiar cord. His words captivated my soul, and proved to be more than useful. There were so many other wonderful and miraculous things said in the conference, but I do not have enough time to go through all of them with you. I will be reading my notes over the next few weeks, awaiting my English copy of the Liahona. ;)

I was really able to lose myself in service and charity this week. I was able to see the hand of the Lord in my life and I was blessed so much for forgiving others, forgetting myself and just trying to be as Elder Bednar once stated, "a good little boy". I know that I am not perfect, I know that life is tough sometimes. I wouldn't have it any other way. I discussed this with another Elder this week who is having a lot of problems. I enjoy my time with him because he is a listener. He also responds to my questions and my divine inquiries that I discuss with him. He expressed his appreciation for me this week as we worked together in his area. I am so grateful for the quite example of this very humble Elder. He is just one of the tender mercies the Lord put in my path this week after such a rough and rugged two or three weeks.

Oh, by the way, I'm teaching Seminary out here. This girl just stopped teaching the class out here and they needed a quick replacement who could do 7 weeks of classes in 3. I stepped up to the plate. We are trying to get all 9 students from the Branch to graduate. We're almost there, I just have to push them a little bit. They love me as their teacher, and I love being there with them. They are crazy and rambunctious, but they are teaching me so much more than I could possibly teach them. It also helps to keep me rather tranquil, as I do not have enough energy in the day to get fired up at anyone. Hahaha. I wake up at 5:30 and dress really quickly and then go out and teach. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I can come home and shower again, so nice especially because of the heat, but Tuesdays and Thursdays I have meetings right after the class is done. It's setting a good rhythm. Only problem, I have to stay up until like 11:30 to study for the class! I'll get it all figured out and then I won't be teaching anymore. It'll be good.

Well, I hope you know that I love you all. Thank you for all that you do to serve, love, and BE. You are all extraordinary. Now, go out and apply the words of the prophets to your lives. I will try to do so too. We will see how well we are progressing in six month's time. But for now, go out and love someone. Take a child out on a date, take a parent out on a date. Have a good conversation about how we as families can do better to reach our potential as Children of God. Kids, ask for your parents help if you are having problems. Parents, listen to your children's pleas and respond with love and divinely inspired guidance.

Be better. Love harder. Keep Calm. Carry On.
Elder B

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