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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

About Photo Sharing: I Just Don't Know

Photo sharing is becoming extremely popular on the Internet, especially with the increased participation in social networking websites. While there are specific photo swapping sites available for those who want to share their photographs, what if you want to pick and choose who is allowed to view them? Most websites have little or no way of setting limitations on the photographs you share, as far as who can view, share or distribute them. When there are privacy settings available, they are often difficult to set up or there are loops around them that allow strangers to view your precious memories.

Thankfully there are ways of protecting these memories, and the best way is throughsecure photo sharing by digitally locking up the photos you share. You can choose the privacy level you desire and exactly who can and cannot view your photographs. Why would you need such a service?

Below are three important reasons you might want to consider locking up your photographs. Which is important to you?

1. Copyright Infringement

Whether you take photographs of your family for fun, or are an avid nature photographer who likes to sell your photos online, it’s important to protect the rights of your photos. If you allow the public to view your photographs, it’s very hard to protect them from being downloaded and used in various ways. Others may even take your beautiful pictures and sell them as your own. Keep the copyrights to your work safe by securing them. Websites such as Keep and Share make it possible to not only digitally lock up your photos, but still share them with other parties or family members as needed.

2. Privacy Issues

If you are an avid user of social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace, you know how important online privacy is. Though sites such as those allow privacy options for your photos, often the settings are difficult to figure out by the average person. This allows your private photographs to be visible to anyone who can find your profile. Considering that most of us take pictures of what is most priceless to us, it is understandable that you would want to protect the privacy of those photographs. Securing pictures digitally keeps strangers from glancing into your life, and can even protect your possessions from theft.

3. Safety and Protection

One of the biggest reasons to secure your photographs digitally is to protect the health and safety of your family, especially children. If you want to share pictures of your family as they grow and change, you can do so without sacrificing their innocence as they are exposed to strangers’ wandering eyes. Though we would all like to think nothing bad will ever happen to our children, the sad fact is that children are at the greatest risk for abuse. Secure photo sharing allows you to pick and choose exactly who can see your children, which gives you as the parent the greatest control over their safety.

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