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Monday, September 26, 2011

Boil Free!

I am now boil free. Thanks to the Mission Nurse, the Area Doctor, some powerful antibiotics, nice coooooooold showers, a good English copy of the Liahona and some long prayers. I am somewhat cured, just waiting for everything to heal over.

My companion and I were rushing all over our area this week to contact, visit recent converts, contact references and get everything ready for the activities we were putting on this weekend. A lot of stuff to do and we got a lot done! We got about 80% of our recent converts to church this month. Great number with lots of cool successes paving the way. I really started to focus in on loving the people I visit, realizing what they need in their lives and trying to decide how I can help them achieve their goals. This has helped me to develop more love for the people that I am teaching now, investigators and recent converts alike.

I was able to share some really neat lessons with my recent converts to help them feel the Spirit this week. I mainly spoke about Faith, Hope and Charity. It is amazing how little people out here know and understand about these three things. They are so carefully entertwined that it is hard to comprehend how they interact one with another, but if you really analyze everything well enough we might all see how they are woven together like rope. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement lead up to have a Hope that we will be forgiven of our sins and become better due to His example. That Faith and Hope lead us to want to share that which we have learned with others, and to serve them so that we deserve the portion of the Infinte Sacrifice of the Savior. Thus, Charity is woven into the rope. When applied to our lives with force we see that they create a strong connection between the Christ and ourselves. It all starts by simply believing.

I am almost done with the conference addresses! I have like four more to go. I have found so much wisdom, love and miraculously personal bits of advice scattered all around those marvelous talks. I think it would be fantastic if everyone, apart from their daily 5 min. in the Book of Mormon, could take 10 min. out of their day to read a general conference address. We would all be more in tune with the Spirit, receive help to the daily problems we face and have the strangth necessary to deal with the Adversary if would read the words of those inspired men and women who address us in General Conference.

I don't have a lot to write today other than the fact that I love you all. I want you all to know that I know my Savior lives. I know He loves me and YOU. I know that our prays are heard and answered. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God on the earth and that he restored the Lord's church in its full glory. I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God and that he is guided by Him to direct this Church as it should be directed and lead. I am grateful for you all, your prayers, your wisdom and your love.

Have a marvellous week. Make good decisions. Eat. Pray Love. (hahahaha). Call up an old friend. Leave a love note for your mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, husband, child or wife. Let them know how much you cherish them. Let them know of your eternal love for them.

Elder B

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