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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Working, Working, Working

This week my companion and I worked so hard. There are some weeks that pass and I think, "Well, what did I really accomplish this week?" It happens, even to the best missionaries. At times we see the fruits of our labors and at other times we have to wait to see them; it's the waiting that is difficult, but all the more sweet when you see the marvelous fruits that our labor has borne.

First of all, the achievements of the week. We baptized Jessica. We got 54% retention in the first week! That is amazing! I was so excited that i had 38 of 70 recent converts at church on Sunday. Most of them come by themselves, I don't really have to worry about going to wake them up and everything. Another great thing is that a ton of my converts were paying tithing on Sunday. I thought it was pretty funny that after having gone to their houses and teaching them how to do it all, filling everything out with them, how they still came to me to help them fulfill such an important commandment. I felt like a hen gathering chickens under my wing. I do feel privileged to have such great confidence with my converts to be able to help them with whatever problem that they have. Sometimes it's pretty stressful but I've gotten used to it. :)

I think that I am like Ammon at times. For those of you who read this and don't know who he is, ask a member of the Church. He is a character in the Book of Mormon. He is pretty cool. He's a seriously powerful missionary who knew how to get things done, and as we would say here in the Nicaragua Managua North Mission, he's pretty "jarron azul" (i.e. blue vase). That's a completely different story. Anyway, Ammon was really good at keeping the King Lamoni's sheep in the pastures, for that reason I kind of see myself as him at time: I am good at retaining people, getting them to go to church and helping them learn their responsibilities as members of the Church, keepers of a covenant. 

Alright, now the setbacks. Jessica's husband turned out to not want to get baptized. Not right away at least. Satan just attacked him this week, mainly the morning of the day he was supposed to get baptized. He lets the voices of the people in the world drown of the voice of God. (Side note: I 've had to erase multiple things in the email already because I either write in Spanish or Miskito. Bah.) So we're going to keep teaching this man, we just need him to stop listening to any person that has two legs and a mouth and happens to be Evangelical. Especially their pastors. Ugh. They are great people, truly fantastic people, but they cause so many problems for my investigators and recent converts.

Now my companion and I are focused on finding new families to teach and baptize, as all of ours are starting to just get flushed out of the system. I thank you for all of your prayers, for they worked a miracle in my area: instead of focusing on people that were progressing just based on the requisites of "progressing" rather than really spiritually progressing I have been able to get rid of the families that won't be good converts. I am going to look for good people to baptize that will contribute to the church, people who will change things out here. This is me trying to be positive when really I'm kind of freaking out...but everything will be fine.

I am feeling much better now than I was before. I have witnessed many miracles in my life and especially here in my mission, and of all the miracles I think my health lately has been a giant one. I have felt absolutely fine since returning from Managua. The doctor warned me that there would be times when I would get really tired and that I would get random body aches. I just get tired, but who doesn't with this kind of heat and all the work we do out here. Seriously. Anyway, I just want you to all know that I am happy, happily working and fine. Yes, still really, really ridiculously good looking, but healthy and well (as well as one can be out here that is). ;) 

Now, I wrote about 95% of this email last night, and as I was starting to wrap everything up, the power went out. There have been quite a few problems with the power out here in Puerto lately and we've been pushing through it. I just hope that we have electricity when the temple dedication happens. If not I am going to be very sad. I have been working so hard to get converts in interviews and everyone ready for this event. So if there is no power on Sunday, August 21 Elder Bolton will have a very sad day. Just an "FYI" for all of you. 

Officially done with the rant. Have a great week! Make good choices. Be successful. Serve others. Make sure that your constant accessory is your SMILE. I love you all.

Elder B

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