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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sick in the City

Last week I was so SICK. I got Classic Dengue. Let me tell you all, that was not fun. I didn't even tell anyone until the night before I was going to head back to Puerto Cabezas. It all started Sunday morning: I didn't feel well, and normally when I don't feel well it's because I'm sick (and I always work so it's strange when I cannot work, that was a big hint). Well, after the flight to Managua I felt awful. I have never felt that sick in my entire life. My heart was racing, my eyes hurt, all of my joints, etc. It was a lovely array of fun symptoms. After I called the mission nurse I went and had some exams done and BAM. Dengue. I'm feeling better, I just get very tired and rather fatigued. 

The conference that we had in Managua was fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed the time I was able to have with Elder Fallabella. He gave me some really fantastic ideas to help me become a better missionary and become a better person as a whole. I know that I still have a lot of growth and progression left, but I also feel good in knowing that, according to the things he was telling us, I'm making the right kind of progress and I am BECOMING. I love that word.

This week my companion and I had to let go of a couple of really neat families that were progressing. It makes me sad when they lie to us, make excuses and everything and then finally tell us the truth. It frustrates me a little because I just want them to tell me the truth, I want them to be open! Oh, but I do have this one family that is really cool, that is super honest. I love them. They are Jessica and Hermin. Jess said to my companion and I the other night, "There's something inside me that has been telling me all week, 'Just get baptized, just getbaptized!' so I think I need to get baptized. I think that is what God is trying to tell me." Then she looked at her husband and then looked at me and said, "Have to talked to my husband about the baptism thing, he needs to get baptized again too." She is so cool.

Those kinds of families really make me happy and help me to know that despite all of the craziness and follies here with these people, there are still genuinely great people who are honest, open and are willing to follow the still small voice. They are few and far between, but they are still out there.

My companion, Elder Salmon, and I finished out the month with four baptized families and 84% retention. I am fairly impressed. Now we just need to continue to work hard and find the balance in order to maintain and improve those numbers. I have ideas, well, I always have ideas, on how to be better and improve the church out here, the leaders and the converts. Now I just have to start implementing them.

I am very excited that I am going to have the ability to watch the dedication of the San Salvador Temple. Pray that on the 20th and 21st we can have power here, enough to see the dedication, etc. This is going to be a great way to excite the people to pay tithing, to go to church and live worthily of such wonderful blessings.

Well, I love you all and wish you a great week! I know that I say the same thing all the time, but it's because I earnestly want all of you to be successful and to find successes in your every-day lives. Have fun, enjoy each moment you have with your families and loved ones and don't forget to send a prayer my way. ;)

Also, here are some people we're teaching (if you don't mind praying for them):
Adnel and Maribel
Hermin and Jessica
Franklin and Judith
Marcelino and Karina
Eduardo and Anasolki

Elder B

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