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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Braden's Eagle

We went to Boston, more specifically Milford, for Braden's Eagle Court of Honor on January 3rd. Here are some of the pictures we took. It was a really nice event. There was a gentleman, a scouter, who plans Courts of Honor for a past time. He didn't charge very much, I think it mostly covers his costs.

On the way home, we stopped through Manhattan and let the kids see Times Square, the Empire State Building, Broadway, and a few other sites. Then we made the 12 hour trek back to the house, arriving home at 11pm Sunday night. It was a fast trip, but it was nice to spend time with family. Melanie and Howard are the best hosts.


JK Waite said...

Nice pics, todd! Love the Manhattan shot! Would have to agree that Mel and Howard are the best hosts (along with you and Amy, AnnMarie and Brandon, Shawn and Kimberly, Mom and Dad, David and Bree, of course, haven't had the chance to stay with Julie nor Eric, YET). Hope everyone is feeling better on both sides (not ends)... No one ever said an Eagle scout could prevent illness, just help you get through it! :)

JK Waite said...

BTW, I loooovvveee the great shot of nonchalant, cool-man Howard (remember Brandon in HS as Joe Cool?) with Amy "talking to" the kiddos in the background! I think that's one for Mom's CDs... right, mom?! hahaha *wink, wink

Myrna said...

Oh, wow! Thank you for the awesome photos and the great comments. Having stayed in each of your homes, I would say that you were all great hostesses/hosts! You are right, Kirsten. That particular photo is one for my CD to save, on a personal level, and to pass on to those who do not visit.
