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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cleston Park died

Cleston Park died suddenly on Saturday evening. He had been working all day getting their garden ready. He complained to Marilyn that his back was hurting but they thought it was just because he had been shoveling all day. He and Marilyn went to get an ice cream and then came back home. It was about 10 p.m. Cles said he thought he was going to throw up and hurried into the bathroom. He yelled at Marilyn to call the ambulance and she did. He passed out on the floor of the bathroom. The paramedics were able to revive him and transport him to the hospital. Bishop Ward said he was able to get there and talk to Cles and he and Cles and Marilyn's son were able to give him a blessing. However, Cles died on LifeFlight en-route to a hospital up north. He had an aneurism in his stomach that ruptured. That is the same thing that killed Richard Smith (Donnette's husband), if you remember that.

Love, M

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