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Saturday, December 2, 2006

The Runnin’ Utes

Sorina quote, “holy smoke this is good!” In reference to a cherry cordial chocolate she ate this past month. She was helping her mom put together neighbor treats for Christmas and we had a few extra cherry cordial chocolates. She asked to eat one and it must have been her first ever because she really enjoyed it.

Toren quote, “Dane is the one who usually hurts me.” In reference to the Holy Ghost talk Grandpa Trauntvein gave at his baptism. Grandpa had asked him who he went to ask for help when he got hurt. He answered first dad, then mom. Grandpa asked him if went to Brigitta or Dane and he shook his head no and muttered to his dad the above quote.

Dane quote,” I’m as tall as my mom!” Yes, it’s official. When I took him into the doctor, we were both measured and we’re the same height. That means he’ll probably be taller than me by his birthday, because he’s been growing fast.

Brigitta: quote “The soon coming Christmas Picture titled Harmony is not published with the consent of the actress, Brigitta. She is n no way responsible for the outcome. The blame is issued to the photographer and other participants.” That quote was expressed with sincerity from the renowned actress. Please keep this picture out of public view, as the issued photo is a direct assault and should not be tolerated. This month Brigitta has “no comment”, but as her conscience I know the story. On November 22, 2006 she was……NOT GOING TO LET ANYONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THEN!!! MUWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good luck! Have a nice day!

Kimberly quote, “I am glad to have December 2nd over.” It was a very busy day with a Ward Breakfast, Sorina’s Tea Party and Toren’s Baptism. Toren was sick on his baptism day and he struggled through the day. Grandpa Trauntvein and Dad gave him a blessing just before his baptism and he did really well. It was a wonderful event for him and for the rest of us to attend. We enjoyed the company of the Howard’s, Jones’, Grandparent Trauntvein’s, Siovhan and the Caldwell’s, Wilson’s, Grandma Nonie and many friends. Shawn, well he’s been a little busy trying to get some work done on his class. So, maybe more from him next month.

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