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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oh! Hi! Oh!

Hello family!! Has it been a month already?! Time had sure flown by us.

We have had a lot of visitors come to see our newest addition. First, my mom flew in the day after Hailey and I came home from the hospital. She was here for 10 days and basically took over. It was great!! It was really hard to see her go because it made me realize how much I miss everyone that we used to live close to. 

So two days after Christmas, Todd gave us a wonderful surprise. I was in my bedroom feeding Hailey and it was a about 11:30 p.m. Todd and Michael were on a scout campout and the phone rang. It was Todd saying that they forgot a few things and he was on his way home to grab them and not to be alarmed when I heard the garage door open. So when I heard him come in and head up the stairs, I didn't think much of it until my sister Rachael walked in my room and asked where the guest room was. Todd had secretly flown her to Ohio to spend a week with us and see the baby. I had never been so surprised in my life. What a great husband I have!! You did good Myrna & Leonard!! Then just two days after Rachael left, Leonard and Myrna came for a week. It was really wonderful to have them here and get to know their newest grandchild. Not to mention that Michael, Tyler and Emily thought it was pretty cool to get out of school for a day to spend some extra time with Grandma & Grandpa.

We had a really nice Christmas this year even if it was a little quiet. We are used to running to parties and get together with family and friends during the holiday season. Although it was kind of nice to just stay home with a newborn, we missed seeing you all and spending time with everyone. The kids were spoiled by Santa as always, and I won't bore you with those details. They had over 2 weeks off from school for the holiday break and let me tell you how glad I was when school started back up again.

Michael is staying busy with school, young men’s, and monthly scout campouts. He is still growing faster than the weeds in Utah and is now as tall as I am. It blows me away to know that I now have a child who is bigger than me and could probably take me down whenever he wanted, but he's a good boy and knows that I'm still Mom. Hailey has him wrapped around her tiny little finger, and enjoys being held by her biggest brother. (even in public when girls are watching)! He's doing awesome in school and pulling all A's all the while soaring through 500+ page books faster than I can keep up. And I'm a stay at home mom!

Tyler still loves school and his teacher. He is learning to write in cursive and loves to write everyone's name the "fancy" way. Tyler is my storyteller and is always ready to tell me all about his day he had at school. He loves going to scouts now that he has a new leader who actually shows up every week and is prepared for the boys. Tyler is also playing city basketball this season and has been practicing for 6 weeks now. He says he is sick of practice and is ready to actually start playing the game. Good thing they start next week.

Emily is loving life right now. She FINALLY has a sister, she goes to gymnastics and dance once a week, and has started cheerleading with the city. Except all of the games that she is to cheer at are on Sunday and also during our church time. When I told her when the games were, she just said to me, "Well, I can't miss Primary." I'm really proud of her because I thought she would throw a royal fit, but she really surprised me with her priorities and what is important to her. I talked to her cheer coach about our conflict and she was very understanding. Emily still can go to all the practices to learn the cheers and dances and still gets her own uniform for football this fall when the games are on Saturdays.

Hailey is a joy. She is truly a blessing. She is such a content baby as long as I don't eat the wrong things (like onions). She is even sleeping most of the night 6-7 hours before she wakes me up to eat. I can't complain a bit.! I wish you all could see her. Well, we'll fix that in July. We love you and miss you all.

Best wishes!
Todd, Amy, Michael, Tyler, Emily & Hailey

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