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Monday, February 7, 2005

Vance, Where Do You Find?

Ask Marilyn
By Marilyn vos Savant
Published: September 12,  2004

My son left home at the age of 18 and is now 22 years old. He  never calls. I am basically sitting here saying, “Why did I do all that: the  diapers, the PTA meetings?” Are there ever any rewards to parenting? I can’t  think of any.

—Linda Torres, San Francisco, Calif.

I believe that before anyone becomes a  parent, he or she should view the experience of rearing children—which  is often great fun—as the reward and not regard parenting as a means to an  end. Parents who simply suffer the hassle of family life in the hopes that  they will be rewarded with grateful lifetime companions or compassionate  care-givers in old age are courting a loss on two counts: 1) They don’t  realize the joy that can be found in parenting; and 2) the kids might not like  those roles.

Dear Myrna:

Vance Gibson wrote: Do you have kids like that? All my children are perfectly behaved, thoughtful, wonderful little darlings who always do everything they say they will -- including paying back the money they borrow.



Myrna wrote: That is why it was a good thing I enjoyed them when they were small, right? M

Myrna wrote: Vance, Where do you find these internet providers? Big Zoo, Go Big West, what are those? I think you just make the names up for your own company. Right?

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